Continuously for two years drive Yu department of finance wood City review for the advanced accounting firm. 连续两年被榆林市财政局评为先进会计师事务所。
In the past decades, the Department has cultivated a large number of quality talents in accounting all over the country, especially in Zhujiang delta, Hong kong, Macao and taiwan, and Southeast asia. 几十年来,我系向全国特别是珠江三角洲和港澳台地区,以及东南亚等其他国家输送了一大批高素质的会计专业人才。
Taking industry characters and special details of CCICJS into consideration, accountants in Finance Department of CCICJS analysis financial norm based on accounting statements, and afford accounting information required by company managers. 结合行业特征和公司具体情况,中检江苏公司财务部每季度在财务报表等数据的基础上,对财务指标进行比较分析,向公司管理者提供所需的会计信息。
As an example given, suppose that an accounting department is facing a crisis caused by the application of Western accounting principles to Chinese business documentation. 举个例子,假设在将西方会计原理适用于中国商务文件的时候,财务部门遇到了紧急的难题。
As one of the most important functional economy and management department, the Finance Department assumes responsibilities of the financial accounting and economic management. 财务处作为医院重要的经济管理职能部门之一,肩负着医院财务会计核算和经济管理工作的重任。
Song Peng, from the computer science department of Tianjin University, and Wang Yue, from the accounting department of NanKai University, won joint first prize. 天津大学计算机系的宋鹏和南开大学会计系的王悦获得了一等奖。
For example, working in the accounting department of a huge financial firm will undoubtedly differ from working in the accounting department of a university or a government agency. 比如,在一家大型金融公司的财务部工作肯定和在一所大学或政府机构的财务部工作有很大不同。
Identification of Subject Qualification of Unit Crime by the One-person Company and the Possible Solutions for the Department of Judicial Accounting 浅析一人公司单位犯罪主体资格的认定及司法会计侦查对策
Before joining jade co., Danny was a member of the audit department in one of the big four accounting firms for many years. 在加入捷得以前,她在某四大之一的会计师事物所的审计部任职多年。
The Department of Accounting plant equipment and not many people, a Minister of Finance, a cashier, the two accountants, and I teach the old accounting Xia Jie. 器材厂的会计部并没有太多人,设有一个财务部长,一个出纳,两个会计员,而教导我的是老会计霞姐。
I am a graduate fresh from Department of Accounting, Hebei University of Economy and Trade. 我是一名刚刚从河北经贸大学会计系毕业的大学生。
Sam Hicks, associate professor in the Department of accounting and information systems at Virginia Tech, says his school has dropped its standalone masters-level course on multinational accounting in favour of incorporating IFRS into the curriculum. 弗吉尼亚理工大学会计与信息系统系副教授山姆希克斯(samhicks)表示,该校已放弃关于跨国企业会计的独立硕士课程,支持将ifrs纳入课程。
Thinking on Orientation of Special Teachers Education in Special Education Department of Universities; The New Field of Accounting Subject In Higher Education& Forensic Accounting 对高校特教学科人才培养方向的思考高校会计学科发展的新方向:法务会计
We have become global in the way we do business, which means our students have to be qualified, says Richard Dietrich, professor and chairman of the school's department of accounting. 我们的商业模式已经全球化,这意味着我们的学生必须能够胜任,该校会计系主任理查德•迪特里希(RichardDietrich)教授表示。
An Important Measure of Assuring the Truth and Completion of Accounting Materials ── Clearly Defining the Leader of the Department as the Responsibility Body of Accounting 确保会计资料真实与完整的重要举措&明确单位负责人为会计责任主体
It is necessary for the department of economic investigation to disseminate knowledge of judicial accounting. 经侦部门有必要加强司法会计知识的普及,并逐步实现司法会计技术的专门化。
Results The incidence of the preterm infant was 7.8% in neonates born in the department of obstetrics, accounting for 19.7% in hospitalization neonates and with a gender constituent ration of 1.67 ∶ 1 ( boy ∶ girl). 结果产科出生的新生儿中早产儿发生率为7.8%,新生儿科住院病人中早产儿占19.7%,男女之比为1.67∶1。
As a functional department of the institute, Finance Department possesses relatively strong accounting professional knowledge and abundant financial working experience. 财务处作为学院的一个职能部门,具备较强的会计专业知识、较丰富的财务工作经验,而这些正是在校期间财务专业学生需要学习和掌握的。
There exist differences in the requirements between the department of accounting and the tax department on the accounting of tax credit in purchasing when paying by instalments. 在分期付款购货进项增值税抵扣的核算上,会计部门的处理与税务部门的规定存在差异。
If such division isn't accurate, the equity and the justice of department benefit distribution and the rationality of income accounting will be influenced. 它直接影响科室效益分配的公平、公正,以及收入核算的合理性。
In order to implement the Accounting System in Enterprises announced by Finacial Department in 2000, the differences of receipts confirmation between the new accounting system and the old one are put forward and analysed through different examples. 为更好地执行财政部2000年公布的《企业会计制度》,重点提出新旧会计制度关于收入确认的区别,并针对这些不同以实例进行分析。
The function department of headquarters pays more and more attentions to cost accounting of military hospital. 军队医院成本核算管理日益为总部职能部门所关注。目前,主要问题有成本核算方法不规范;
Department of orthopaedics and cerebral surgery were the main admission division, accounting for 83.1%. 入院科室以骨科、脑外科为主(83.1%);
The new Business Accounting System issued on 29 Dec, 2000 by the Department of Finance plays an important part in regulating the business accounting, and improving the quality of accounting information, and it provides a best reference for a business to carry out accounting. 随着2000年12月29日财政部关于新《企业会计制度》的发布实施,对规范企业的会计核算,提高会计信息质量,起到了重要作用,为企业进行会计核算提供了最佳的参照模式。
Theorists, practical realm and stock market supervising and managing department paid more and more attention on the transparency concept of accounting information since it was proposed in the eighties of the 20th century. 二十世纪八十年代会计信息透明度概念提出以来,越来越受到理论界、实务界以及证券市场监管部门的重视。
Then the thesis constructs the risk-based internal accounting supervision procedures according to the Board of Supervisors, Audit Committee and Internal audit department, which are the main components of the risk-based internal accounting supervision, and suggests reasonably positioning different departments 'responsibilities. 之后,文章根据实施风险导向的内部会计监管的主体&监事会、审计委员会、内部审计部门分别构建了风险导向的内部会计监管的运作程序,并倡导合理定位监管部门的职责。
The Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, issued by the Financial Department, mark a significant milestone in the history of accounting in China. 2006年2月财政部颁布的《企业会计准则》,是我国会计发展史上的一个重要的里程碑。
Therefore recommended that policy-making department cannot just pursue capital deepening, but should make more use of other factors accounting for the positive impact of labor income. 2. 因此建议政策制定部门不能一味追求资本深化,而应多利用其他因素对于劳动收入占比的正面影响。